Favorite Quotes


She was designed to be the perfect soldier
She was trained as a weapon
But then she escaped
They came after her
She knew they would never stop looking
She was lucky
A few months later terrorists set off an electromagnetic pulse that fried all the computers
The U.S. went from super power to third world country overnight
It was easy to disappear
Now she has an unlikely ally
Logan Cale, underground cyber journalist and crusader
He wants to save the world
Or what’s left of it
She just wants to find the others like her.
Together? Who knows



"I got an anonymous report by the covert  genetics lab using DNA to produce a superior human."


 "What does any of this have to do with me?"


 "The barcode on your neck Max. I know who you are. I know who your running from."



"I got people looking to put me in a cage for the rest of my life, turn me into a science project or kill me. Probably all three. Now, I manage to drop out of  the radar screen. I plan to keep it that way."




"Girls Kick Ass, Says so on a T-shirt." 



Original Cindy:  

"Damn girl, what's in those pills?"





Max's Boss (Normal):

 "Well, well well, so far your moron colleagues have come up with the following excuses as to why you are strolling in here at the crack of noon. You had a dental emergency, your aunt died, again. And my personal favorite from this idiot you were detained by the sector police for practicing witchcraft! Would you care to further insult my intelligence?"


  "I overslept."




"You know, you were a whole lot  sweeter when you weren't feeling well."


"The bitch is back"



 "Thanks, Your such a gentlemen." 

(Max then grabs the guy's hand and throws him down the stairs.) 

"Too bad I'm not a lady."



"I always knew that underneath that bio-engineered,        military-issue-armor-plating there was a beating heart." 


  "Let's not go overboard here. I'm not signing up to join the Logan Cale  Brigade for the defense of widows, small children and lost animals." 


 "You could be field commander." 


"I think not."



"Blah, Blah, Woof, Woof."



"You can't die on me. I'll kick your ass."



"Playa, Playa from the Himalaya."



"Oh, please tell me your not one of those people. A raindrop fell in the ocean ten-thousand years ago, and a butterfly farted in India. You and me are together right here right now, enjoying a cup of coffee that tastes like goat piss."




"Must be a guy  thing...Maybe it's - me.  Maybe there's something in the way I'm made that turns people away.  All I know is it was easier before...when I
just didn't give a damn about anything."




"It's nice to know that when the superhero is otherwise occupied, the
sidekick can step in." ---Max to Logan in 'Haven'

Nicolle Birdie





"That is alot of manpower Max."


"Good thing we are alot of girlpower."




"I don't do guns."



If anyone has a fav DA. quote they would like to add here, e-mail me so I can add it. You may include your name and where your from, and/or e-mail if you would like. ourselenamail@writeme.com